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Is Empire Capital Partners a registered Australian company?

Note: this company is not connected to and should not be confused with the registered Australian company Empire Capital Partners Pty Ltd ACN 159 992 328, Unit 8, 448 Roberts Road, Subiaco, WA, 6008, AFS Representative Number 1268142. Connecticut Office: Gorham Island, Westport Connecticut CT 06880 USA

What is an empire in economics?

Tom Nairn and Paul James define empires as polities that "extend relations of power across territorial spaces over which they have no prior or given legal sovereignty, and where, in one or more of the domains of economics, politics, and culture, they gain some measure of extensive hegemony over those spaces to extract or accrue value". [10]

What is intellectual capital?

Intellectual capital refers to the intangible assets that contribute to a company's bottom line. These assets include the expertise of employees, organizational processes, and the sum of knowledge contained within the organization. There is no standard method to measure intellectual capital, and standards for measurement vary across organizations.

What is the American Empire?

The term "American Empire" refers to the United States' cultural ideologies and foreign policy strategies. The term is most commonly used to describe the U.S.'s status since the 20th century, but it can also be applied to the United States' world standing before the rise of nationalism in the 20th century. [76]

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